
How it all started for me

A gypsy came into my life 40 years ago and showed me how to turn the Wheel of Fortune in my favour. She was from a lineage of mystics and her speciality was tarot card reading. She was told by the ‘spiritual forces’ that she was to teach me the tarot. Something higher commanded her to gift me her heritage tarot cards and from then on I have never looked back.

What’s different in my tarot sessions

I don’t just predict your future I show you how to create the future you have always wanted, by combining the multi-layered occult disciplines of Theta Healing, Meditation and NLP. Tarot reading I have learnt, is not merely making future predictions, but also a unique way of healing, of making people see their choices and making informed, prudent decisions and then following them through with determined action.

Through tarot I can help you manage conflict better & stimulate greater balance in life; get rid of unwanted behaviour patterns, attitudes, fears & phobias, pain & health issues; discover your unique life path and anchor your distinctive strengths

What you take back after a session

  • Empowerment
  • Positivity
  • Eagerness to create and fulfil dreams
  • Clarity
  • Guidance about right choices
  • Peace

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Understanding Your Life Through Tarot

A lot of people ask me, why do I need guidance? I’m well educated, well exposed, in touch with my emotions; I know the difference between happy and sad; I know how to choose. Then why?? I too used to think that way!

“Can anyone tell me they have never felt fear? Have you ever felt like there is something more? Like something is missing? Have you searched and searched for answers only to wind up more frustrated? Have you ever been in a situation of uncertainty or even helplessness because you felt you had no choice? Or been at a crossroad where you didn’t know which path to take?

“Standing at yet another crossroads in life
I asked the Architect sitting up there
Why do you give me only crossroads?”

I was once lost. Standing at a crossroad and not knowing which way to go. This crossroad I was at was more difficult than the others. It was important to choose well, because I knew my decision was going to impact a lot of lives. That’s when I stumbled onto Tarot.

I’m sure all of you have heard about the Tarot cards; a lot of you might have even had your future read! Tarot however, is much more than mere fortune telling. It is like a mirror that shows you the difference between your inner self and the façade you present to the world; a guide to reach into your innermost core and dig out your potential. We are all reservoirs of vast potential for success and happiness which often remains untapped and unexplored. If we know how to tap into that reservoir we can do and attain anything our heart desires.

You were born as an enthusiastic, happy being. You loved life. You loved yourself and your heart beat in tune with the world. Yet somewhere along the way you stopped being you and stopped ‘vibrating’ your truth. That’s when you need to seek help. Your entire path can change in one moment! Like mine did! And I didn’t do it alone.

One Soul Many Lives

In a café, a Spanish gypsy lady came up to me and sat down and asked if she could have coffee with me and help me. I was surprised, to put it mildly! She was a tarot card reader and providence had perhaps brought her to my table as the guide I so desperately needed. For almost six months she became my mentor, brought me to a point where I could make an informed choice so that I could get rid of my dilemma and move on.

I don’t know how and why, but Martha was perhaps told by some inner voice that reading Tarot Cards for others was going to become an integral part of my future. Seeing the world through pictures always appealed to me. I was fascinated with the picturesque cards which I felt had many stories to tell.

Martha taught me how to make the pictures talk uniquely to me. She also explained that Tarot Cards can show you how to open life’s closed doors. We create our own lives and situations by our belief systems —be they financial, emotional, physical or otherwise—and we can de-create and heal what we don’t like in our life by changing our belief system.

Tarot is a powerful medium that can help you do just that as it shows you how to open your sub-conscious mind where all belief resides. Understanding the co-relation of the physical, psychological and the spiritual is the key that can help you create your own blueprint of success.

Tarot reading I have learnt, is not merely making future predictions, but also a unique way of healing, of making people see their choices and making informed, prudent decisions and then following them through with determined action.


In a nutshell Tarot can create life-transforming experiences at mental, physical & emotional levels, enabling you to create opportunities for success in every aspect of their life. It can, enhance productivity, efficiency & creativity by reducing stress levels and generating more energy. Through tarot you can manage conflict better& stimulate greater balance in life; you can also get rid of unwanted behavior patterns, attitudes, fears & phobias, pain & health issues; Discover your unique life path and anchor your distinctive strengths.

Furthermore, with my experience, I can tell you to always open your heart again every time it shuts down. To ask you to play bigger and better. Because you can. In each and every area! Remember, you can choose any area or even the entire gamut that makes up life! Spiritual, Wealth, Health, Family, Career… No massive effort required. All you need is, guidance and a whole lot of inner work!

Otherwise you’ll automatically experience negative states like procrastination, anxiety, stress — and even self-sabotage — each time you try to make positive changes.

Tarot, is like a power packed multi-layered package, the more layers you peel, many more lie beneath. As a student and practitioner of Tarot Card readings for over 40 years, I believe tarot can show people how to shape their future by the choices and decisions they make. The esoteric tarot is an amazing tool to learn your options, the consequences of your choices and how your life will shape up if you choose whatever option. This gives you full control over your life and allows you to choose an option that is more allied with your goals! The power behind each story and each life and how it can change with one decision is always soul stirring for me.

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