Healing & Meditation

“You deserve the best! Don’t ever let the conditions of your life dictate your choices! The world that you want to fashion for yourself can be created! All you need is the technique, will and perseverance!”

With my background as a philosophy major, Tarot Card reader, Theta Healer, and NLP Practitioner I know I can contribute a lot of insights to people about life and how to create their own blueprint of success.

Brilliance in Life comes only when body, mind and soul work in tandem. We are reservoirs of vast potential for success and happiness which often remains untapped and unexplored. My Healing and Meditation sessions would create a road-map for people who want to drive in the super-fast lane of success and excellence. Simple tips and techniques will help to re-program, condition and awaken minds for the amazing possibilities of dreaming big and achieving big what they had thought as impossible, be it Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Socially, Spiritually or Financially.

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Types of Healing and Meditation Services offered:

You are co-creators with the Universe. We normally act with the conscious minds. Theta Healing allows you to access the unconscious mind and Theta brain waves for power packed results. Theta Healing is a process that brings about deep physical, psychological and spiritual healing.

As a certified Theta Healer (basic and advanced) I can teach you how to create your own lives and situations by changing your belief systems —be they financial, emotional, physical or otherwise—and how to de-create and heal what you don’t like in your life. The co-relation of the physical, psychological and the spiritual and much more.

Neuro Linguistic Programming is a technology with simple techniques that teach how to alter brain wave patterns, and communication behavior to achieve results that were once inconceivable.

As a certified NLP practitioner I would be teaching you skills about how to have the correct attitude tailored for success, set goals, make and follow timelines, change fears and phobias, get rid of limiting beliefs, anchor strengths and much more.

There is a library that contains everything about you. It is called the Akashic Records. It is a vibrational library in the fifth dimension. I can help you enter your Akashic Records to:

  • Know how to Heal yourself and your life.
  • You can heal old patterns and thoughts that no longer serve you.
  • Find out about past lives that are still affecting you today.
  • Understand your family’s legacy and heal issues.
  • Get your guide to help you through every difficult step in life.
  • What your unique, gifts, talents and abilities are.
  • Why you are attracting a certain kind of relationship or friendship.
  • Why you’re having money issues and how to solve them.

Read more about my personal Akashic experience here.

Through Quantum Jumping, with its unique guided imagery, I would train you how to jump into an Alternate Universe where you would meet a successful you and learn from them how to accomplish things you once thought impossible.

Through this guided Meditation you will learn to balance body and mind; enter your energy vortex to create whatever you want; raise your vibration and most of all know and unleash your own power.

Any problem, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Spiritual or Financially will be dealt with by taking you on a meditative journey especially created for you so that you can find answers and the strength to alter the situation. Why and Who can benefit: Anyone and Everyone! For all those who dare to dream! Especially those of you who want to drive in the super-fast lane of success and excellence! Choose the method that is most appealing and get going! The rest will be taken care of!

Available options for sessions:

  • Face-to-Face
  • Telephonic
  • Remote Healing (Pre-fixed time)

Book your Healing Session Now